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Hey stranger my name is Eugene

I’m a nomad singer-songwriter who travels with my mobile stage, moving people through music.


I write songs about hope, inspiration and perspective. Have a listen to my latest release and if it resonates, add it to a playlist in order to help me with the algorithm game. 🙏🏻

As I follow the seasons I'm building a circuit performing for people via  driveway concerts. The goal is to have a bunch of them lined up around the country in a few years and do at least 4 a week. If you'd like to have one, let me know where you're located!

 C U S T O M   S O N G S 

Covid forced me to innovate and for the last few years I've written dozens of song for people's special occasions. Tell me about the person you love and I'll turn your story into a professionally recorded song. 

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S U P P O R T   M Y   D R E A M 


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 M Y  P E R F O R M A N C E S 

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Since you're still reading...

Indie and I try to be active, but with vanlife there are some drawbacks such as showers/parking. If you have a hose I can wash her off with after a day hiking or at the dog park, that would be appreciated.

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